Felix Fantastic Duo Delicious Fish Selection 4x85gr
With Salmon and Sardines:
Meat and by-products of animal origin, fish and fish by-products (of which 4% salmon, 4% sardines), vegetable protein extracts, mineral substances, sugars.
With Trout and Mackerel
Meat and by-products of animal origin, vegetable protein extracts, fish and fish by-products (of which 4% trout, 4% mackerel), mineral substances, sugars.
With Cod and Salmon
Meat and by-products of animal origin, fish and fish by-products (of which 4% cod, 4% salmon), vegetable protein extracts, mineral substances, sugars.
With Herring and Trout
Meat and by-products of animal origin, vegetable protein extracts, fish and fish by-products (of which 4% herring, 4% trout), mineral substances, sugars.